Tuesday, April 16, 2019
Macbeth a tragic hero Essay Example for Free
Macbeth a tragic hero EssayA Tragic supporter is a common figure in valety of Shakespeares works. A Tragic Hero is usually a figure of royalty, fame or greatness. This person is predominately good, but falls from prominence due to genius flaws that eventually lead to self-destruction. Macbeths major flaws are his ambition and impressionability. Due to their flaws, a Tragic Heros actions are a good deal atrocious and cause them to battle with their conscience after their desires have been accomplished. These battles with their conscience evoke empathy from the audience. A Shakespearean Tragic Hero will always lose their life in the end of the play as a result of re-establishment of what is good in the play. In Shakespeares Macbeth, the title figure of the play can be seen as the Tragic Hero.There are small-army factors which go to the decline of Macbeth. The three main factors which contribute greatly to Macbeths degeneration are the prophecies which were told to him by th e witches, Lady Macbeths influence and ability to manipulate Macbeths judgment, and finally Macbeths foresighted time ambition which drove his desire to be king. Macbeths growing character decays from a noble man to a violent individual.When the play begins, Macbeths greatness is already established. Macbeth has already earned the title of Thane of Glamis and will short become the Thane of Cawdor. The fact that he has these titles demonstrates to the reader that Macbeth is good and an important figure of responsibility. He is also intercommuni eructe as Valiant cousin, worthy gentlemen. (Shakespeare 12 26), Brave Macbeth, well he deserves that name. (Shakespeare 12 18) and as Worthy Thane. by King Duncan.They way in which he is addressed by the authoritative members of his country further informs the reader that Macbeth is respectable. However, after Macbeth interacts with the three witches, his curiosity is stirred by their prophecies, especially their foresight that he will b ecome king. He commits murder in order to fulfill their prophecy and and so returns to the three witches a second time for reassurance. The three witches, with the aid of three apparitions, then revealed to Macbeth in morsel 5, Scene 1 the following propheciesMacbeth Macbeth Macbeth Beware Macduff Beware the Than ofFifeMacbeth Macbeth Macbeth Be bloody, bold and resolute. Laugh to scorn the prop superstarnt of man, for none of woman born shall harm MacbethBe lion-mettled, proud and take no care who chafes, who frets or where conspirers are. Macbeth shall neer vanquished be until Great Birnam Wood to high Dunsinane Hill shall come against him.(Shakespeare 41 80-107)Because of these predictions, Macbeth believes that no one can harm him. However, this is a false sense of security. Macduff, who was born by a Caesarean member and therefore was not born of woman, ultimately killed Macbeth, thus revealing that the witches predictions were totally half-truths.Macbeths good nature is progressively defeated by one of his major flaws-ambition. His ambition and desire to become king leads Macbeth to take flush and sudden actions that are immoral. This includes ordering the murders of his friend Banquo and his son and Lady Macduff and her children, as well as personally handling the murder of King Duncan. His ambition is also displayed by his willingness to kill anyone who threatens his power.Macbeth is largely influenced not only by the three witches, but by Lady Macbeth as well. Lady Macbeth encourages Macbeth to murder the king, Duncan. She helps plan stunned the murder and even offers to do it herself. When Macbeth changes his mind and decides not to carry out Duncans murder, Lady Macbeth questions his masculinity and cut for her.We will proceed no further in this business. From this time such I account thy love. prowesswork thou afeard to be the same in thine act and valor as thou art in desire? Woudst thou have that which thou esteemst the ornament of l ife and live a coward in thine own esteem, letting I dare not wait upon I would, like the poor cat I th adage?When you durst do it, then you were a man And to be more than you were, you would be so much more than a manThey have made themselves and that their fitness now does unmake you(Shakespeare 17 34-62)After Lady Macbeth accuses him of acting like a coward, he agrees to continue with Duncans murder.Macbeth is a thrill example of a Shakespearean Tragic Hero. He is represented as a good man who, through his major character flaws- ambition and impressionability- falls from grace. After struggling with his conscience over the satanic deeds he had committed throughout the play, Macbeth is killed and the rightful heir to the throne is restored to power.
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